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At Expensya, the onboarding starts before D-Day!

Finding the best candidates for positions in your organizations is only a step further to building an effective team. Onboarding new hires is one of the most critical factors to ensure productive talents. At Expensya, we go beyond that. 

During the onboarding process, employees are thoroughly introduced to each department. They start the cultural immersion and understand business objectives by participating in meetings and being more involved in companies’ operations.  

Progressively, new hires will be aware of the specifics of their tasks and responsibilities and a mentor will be appointed to assist them to complete properly their missions in the long-term.   

Another aspect of the onboarding plan is to help employees make connections between company-wide goals and their day-to-day tasks. The first impression of a new hire about a company is always crucial according to a study published by the Harvard Magazine in 2001. 

You will discover through this article how Expensya onboarding stands out from other companies and why you should join us! Here are some key elements that make Expensya special:  

Customised onboarding plan for new hires 

A 3-month training plan already prepared for each new hire and adapted to their future position, thereby it will enhance their productivity and efficiency at work. Your computer and all materials needed will be ready for you at the office. 

An onboarding buddy assisting you from day -3 to day 60 

At Expensya, an onboarding buddy will be assigned to each new employee. Your mentor will prepare a training plan and assist you every day to make your integration easier.  

The main focus of mentoring is to share the experience and knowledge of high performing team members with less experienced colleagues which allows them to faster and boost their career. Mentoring can not only mould your new employees’ skills and teach them more about your company culture but, more importantly, it can also instil employee loyalty to the company. 

Here is a feedback of Bechir Ben Farhat, Communication and content manager at Expensya, who felt the support from its colleagues since the beginning: 

 “I really felt comfortable the moment when I received the message from Ons on LinkedIn, my personal mentor and colleague at Expensya. She helped me in many aspects and was always here for me, that was a real game changer for my integration. I am really grateful to have had such a great support and to work with such nice people.” 

A hybrid process, digitized and human at the same time! 

From the recruitment phase to your journey at Expensya, everything is digitized. During recruitment, every application is reviewed from our HR Team on Welcome to the Jungle platform to select candidates fitting the job description. Once the candidate is hired, this last will be able to use different digitized tools to fulfil his needs.  

Indeed, Expensya has created a digitized tool helping the HR Team to deal with any request from employees (days off, matters to be discussed with the HR Team…). Moreover, Expensya has optimised a tailor-made tool for employees to request materials, to report a technical issue, a breakdown or request documents from the HR Team.  

At Expensya, processes are not only digitized, but it also involves a human side. An e-mail will be sent to Expensya Global from your personal mentor to announce your venue. Everybody will be aware of your presence and you will already catch their attention. A breakfast with the CEO Karim Jouini will be scheduled, and everyone at the company will make you feel comfortable. 

An adapted process even in the most difficult times 

During this period, Expensya has hired new recruits. Despite the home office, newcomers’ integration has not been affected, at all. A daily follow-up on Microsoft Teams from your personal mentor is done, all trainings are provided online with clear instructions. Any inquiry can be dealt with your personal mentor, always at your disposal. 

Here is a feedback of Rania Bejaoui, product manager at Expensya who started during the pandemic: 

“Starting a new job during a global pandemic, no one has that on his bucket list. Trying to fit in to a new team and understand a new product was a bit challenging behind a screen. Fortunately, the team was very supportive and available to answer all my questions which have made my onboarding much easier than what I have expected.” 

Beyond the traditional onboarding… 

During your first day, you will be given a tour of Expensya’s headquarters and get the opportunity to meet and discover each department of the organisation. New hires will be able to meet their futures colleagues and to become more integrated.  

Furthermore, the new recruit will be having its discovery meetings with each department of the company. Those meetings are scheduled to allow new employees to have a better understanding of the structure of the organisation and how each department interact with each other. 

From another perspective, newcomers will have the chance to meet new people, thereby being part of the family, which is a sense of belonging. 

After your integration at Expensya, you will have to write a personal report describing your onboarding experience, from the recruitment phase to the end of this first step. 

Sharing your experience will allow Expensya to gather constructive feedback from new hires and will always try to improve this experience which is important for the beginning of your journey at Expensya. 

We all know the current mainstream and potential candidates can be stressed out before starting their new position in a company. However, the onboarding process at Expensya has been optimised to make our new hires feel comfortable and at ease in the company. We extremely value our employee’s onboarding. Expensya is currently hiring new talents, feel free to apply and join our dynamic team! 

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