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Entrepreneurs: Key Actors of a Fair and Sustainable Future

By Karim Jouini, CPTO of Medius and Sherpa of the French Delegation at the G20 Young Entrepreneurs in Brazil

In the face of major challenges facing our planet, such as climate change, growing inequalities, and persistent poverty, entrepreneurs are proving to be key players in building a more sustainable future. Their innovative spirit, dynamism, and ability to turn bold ideas into reality allow them to bring tangible solutions to the complex problems of the world today. At the G20, 15 companies represented France from various sectors: from cinema to tech, health, services, and agriculture. A mixed delegation of varied ages and diverse backgrounds reflects the diversity of French society.

How can entrepreneurs use their creativity and dynamism to propose concrete and sustainable solutions to the challenges of climate change, growing inequalities, and persistent poverty?

Develop innovative technologies and solutions

Entrepreneurs are at the forefront of developing innovative technologies and solutions that address environmental and social challenges. According to the International Energy Agency's (IEA) "World Energy Investment 2024" report, global clean energy investment was estimated at $2 trillion in 2024. Renewable energy, grids, and storage are expected to continue to grow in the coming years driven by rising energy prices, climate concerns, and government policies. The United States is expected to invest more than $300 billion in clean energy in 2024.

By addressing areas such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, access to drinking water and sanitation, and health and education, they are helping to improve the quality of life for populations and preserve the environment.

Create environmentally and socially responsible businesses

Prioritizing sustainability in product design is crucial. Entrepreneurs should focus on creating eco-friendly, durable, and repairable products, thus minimizing waste and reducing environmental impact. This approach not only appeals to a growing base of environmentally conscious consumers but also sets a precedent for sustainable manufacturing practices. In 2021, 73% of global consumers said they would change their consumption habits to reduce their environmental impact. In addition, more and more consumers are choosing to buy local, organic, and ethical products. According to an Ipsos study, 78% of French people are willing to pay more for sustainable products.

By adopting these sustainable business practices, sourcing from local producers, and engaging in social initiatives, they are demonstrating that it is possible to reconcile economic success with social responsibility. Another observation is that social enterprises have lifted 100 million people out of poverty.

Foster economic development in disadvantaged communities

Entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in stimulating economic development, particularly in disadvantaged communities. By creating jobs, encouraging the creation of small businesses, and promoting access to finance, entrepreneurs contribute to poverty reduction, individual empowerment, and the revitalization of struggling areas. In 2020, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) accounted for 90% of businesses and over 50% of global employment, according to the World Bank.

Invest in communities

Entrepreneurs can have a significant social impact by investing in their communities. Supporting local causes through donations or volunteering demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and helps meet the specific needs of the community. In 2021, American companies donated a total of $21.08 billion to charities, according to Giving USA. Establishing philanthropic foundations to channel business profits into sustainable development projects can lead to substantial and sustainable benefits for disadvantaged communities.

Mentorship is another powerful tool. Sharing expertise with budding entrepreneurs or young people from disadvantaged backgrounds can help bridge the gap between ambition and success, fostering a new generation of socially conscious business leaders. In addition, funding research and innovation aimed at solving social and environmental challenges can accelerate the development of impactful solutions.

Advocate for change and promote transparency

Transparency and advocacy are vital components of responsible entrepreneurship. Open communication through sustainability reports, awareness-raising events, and responsiveness to stakeholder concerns builds trust and accountability. In 2020, 87% of institutional investors said that ESG (environmental, social, and governance) practices played a key role in their investment decisions. Entrepreneurs should also use their influence to advocate for impactful policies, support public awareness campaigns, and pressure decision-makers for positive change. By setting an example, entrepreneurs can lead the charge towards a more sustainable and just world.

Empower individuals and communities through AI

AI is a powerful tool for empowerment. Entrepreneurs can develop AI tools that provide skills and resources to individuals and communities. For example, AI-based learning applications can offer personalized training, improving access to education and fostering a spirit of initiative.

Entrepreneurship is a vector of emancipation and empowerment. By imparting skills and encouraging entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs enable individuals and communities to take their destiny into their own hands and build a better future for themselves. In doing so, they contribute to the construction of a fairer and more inclusive society. According to a study by the Kauffman Foundation, communities with a high rate of entrepreneurship have higher rates of economic growth and social well-being.

Entrepreneurs are essential players in building a fairer and more sustainable future. Their creativity, ingenuity, and commitment make them drivers of progress and positive change. By supporting and encouraging entrepreneurship, we are investing in a better future for all. We must do everything in our power to support them and help them succeed. Even small changes can make a big difference.

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